Due to a change in hobbies a few years back, I pay much closer attention to the weather and water levels than ever before. Things I used to not even consider, or would take completely for granted are now a part of my daily thoughts.
But surely I'm not the only one who has noticed that something is off this spring? Water is insanely low, it's been warmish for weeks and the spring flood (from the Rockies) hasn't even begun yet where I am. I stood on a bridge on March 23rd 2 years ago as RV sized blocks of ice smashed into the pillars with such force I thought myself and the bridge were going to go with it. Water over 4m high. Last weekend, mid-April? 0.7m, the river is almost at a standstill. Mind you, it's not unheard of for the spring flood to start late, but it feels like it's been rather mild this spring so why the delay? Also noticed that everywhere I was considering going next weekend within 200km in any direction had the exact same weather forecast more or less; gloomy. Led me to just start expanding my search and noticing that most of Canada has a very similar forecast for the next 2 weeks. There are usually at least a few different systems going on in this big country. Just "April showers" so to speak? Or something else? A few other strange things have me starting to wonder wtf is going on. If you can control the weather (they can, and do) then who needs an old fashioned style FF event? I feel like this summer is going to be very hot for some, and very wet for others. I also fear there may be a "big one" so to speak. Hope I'm wrong but something doesn't feel right. Shill Gates just became the single largest landholder in the US then announces he wants to block out the sun.
So, what's the deal?
Good day all, hope it's a bright one.
Yup. Snow in Alberta. Snow in Quebec. Snow in Ontario. All at the same time, and all very late in the year. Here and there, okay, but so widespread? I was definitely not expecting to hear it's snowing in Kentucky or Tennessee this time of year. Just one of many things that seems off. Like you said, good to keep an eye on at least.