They have opened the first box of ballots and it looks like the yellow shirts are doing a preliminary visual examination. It appears they called over a green shirt for a question or second opinion. The blue and red shirts don't appear too busy at the moment so they must be involved in step two? Red shirts were using a possible microscope camera on a ballot.
I think camera 1 is the IT group that is going to check the machines. Camera 6 and 8 show the yellow shirts pretty well. Camera 9 looks to have microscope cameras a group of red shirts were using to scrutinize a ballot carried over by a yellow shirt. They seem to be focused on the top 2 corners, the middle right, and the bottom left of the ballots.
I wish the team would give an overview of the process so all the at-home observers could understand what we are seeing.
Green shirt just picked his nose and wiped it on Yellow shirt
Watched a security guard wipe a booger on his own pant leg earlier. Camera 1 at 6:48 am.