Someone told me that he took dog de-wormer for prostate cancer and it cured him. He gave me a link but I never looked it up. But I didn't dispel the notion since I've read Dead Doctors Don't Lie written by veterinarian turned doctor who begins by saying zoo animals, being a big $ investment, are able to be healed of many things that ppl should be healed of...
I read about this when my mom was dx with stage 4 lung cancer with metastasis to her spine. I told her about it and she started taking dewormer 1.5 yrs ago. She is also on an oral chemo. Her tumors are nearly gone. I wouldn't say it's 100% the dewormer but its definitely helping.
Someone told me that he took dog de-wormer for prostate cancer and it cured him. He gave me a link but I never looked it up. But I didn't dispel the notion since I've read Dead Doctors Don't Lie written by veterinarian turned doctor who begins by saying zoo animals, being a big $ investment, are able to be healed of many things that ppl should be healed of...
I read about this when my mom was dx with stage 4 lung cancer with metastasis to her spine. I told her about it and she started taking dewormer 1.5 yrs ago. She is also on an oral chemo. Her tumors are nearly gone. I wouldn't say it's 100% the dewormer but its definitely helping.