The following is all my theory, take lightly (and please correct anything I say that is incorrect, I have been reading a decent amount of material but I am no expert, nor am I citing any specific medical research or documentation):
So today I read through a large compilation of death stories caused by the vax (which can be found here: And I realized something...
Most of the deaths associated with COVID vaxs are from a reaction known as ITP, or Immune thrombocytopenia. However, it turns out that this ITP reaction also occurs in other vaccines, such as the Influenza shot, DTP shot, and Hepatitis A shot.
Now you might say, "Okay, but people are dying! That's not good!" But the important thing to realize is, people are not dying more from the Covid vaccine than they are from other vaccines. Like other vaccines, the Covid vaccines are stuffed full of metals and other substances, which are poison to our body. Most of our bodies can handle this concoction of poison decently, successfully getting rid of it (which is why you feel tired and sore after receiving any shot). Some of us aren't (which is where death comes into the situation).
The high number of reports is mainly because a lot of us are on edge and paying attention to vaccines, and the sheer number of people receiving the vaccine at once. Vaccines are questionable at best, and with this newfound knowledge I don't feel comfortable taking more shots in the future.
Moving on.
So you might ask, "Well, if the China Flu vaccines are perfectly normal in terms of their negative side effects compared to other vaccines, then what's the issue?" And the issue, it turns out, is the spike protein causing your immune system to attack the reproductive system.
If you listen to the many accounts from this link: , you will realize that the attack on our reproductive systems by this shot is unprecedented. When have you heard of a vaccine completely killing pregnancies, lowering sperm counts, giving older women in menopause new periods, causing little girls to have periods at an insanely early age, causing women to have double the number of periods and double the intensity, et cetera? AND, when have you heard of a vaccine that is so bad that literally being near someone who has been vaccinated can give you these exact same problems?
This is truly unprecedented. Now, here's my theory on what is happening:
Remember how COVID19 was engineered in a lab in China, sponsored by the US, where the research's purpose was "Gain of Function" (which is the term for research where you try to give a virus more capabilities, make it stronger, make it have new side effects, et cetera -- you might ask how this "research" is of any use for helping people, to which I say you are absolutely right, and this form of research is actually banned in the US, hence why the research was sneakily sent out to China).
The "spike protein" of COVID is no ordinary protein, it is a protein hand picked, designed, and tailored to do certain things to human bodies. It is designed to fool our immune systems into attacking our reproductive organs, making us all infertile (THINK DEPOPULATION, THINK NWO).
When China and the DS released the virus over a year ago, they were hoping that their special baby, the evil spike protein they engineered, would allow them to move forward with their infertility agenda. However, they were disappointed to find that the virus was basically a total dud in terms of accomplishing that goal, and only became a slightly more virulent flu. Think of why media hypes up COVID like its the plague when its really just a flu... hint, it was SUPPOSED to be like the plague.
But, the DS and China (henceforth I will just call them collectively the DS - aka the Deep State) came up with a brilliant plan to save their nefarious scheme from being a total dud and waste of energy. They designed a "vaccine" which would force our bodies to produce just the spike protein, their precious bioweapon.
Now, instead of relying on the virus to do their dirty work and spread around its spike protein, they could bypass that frankly weak, inefficient and unreliable method entirely, and go directly to handcrafting and hand-injecting the instructions to produce the spike protein, into us. Now, the big thing about this is, the mRNA they send into your cells is no ordinary mRNA; it is actually reinforced in special ways to make it far stronger and last way longer. mRNA in its natural state is very fragile and breaks down quickly, which is why our cells store our genetic instructions in the strong DNA (double helix structure) and then only read the DNA and produce mRNA instructions when something needs to be made.
You might ask, why is the mRNA from the "vaccine" being way stronger than natural mRNA relevant? It is relevant because this means the mRNA lingers in your cells for much much longer. And for every extra second it stays around, the chance of that mRNA instruction being encoded DIRECTLY INTO YOUR DNA through a process involving an enzyme called reverse transcriptase, increases.
When your body naturally encounters viruses, little snippets of the viral genes make their way into parts of your DNA. This is natural; its effects are practically negligible in one human lifespan, but this mechanism has definitely aided in changes in DNA for different organisms over millennia.
But, now, with the synthetic reinforced mRNA, the instructions for producing spike proteins WILL make their way into your DNA in much much higher frequencies, in cells all over your body. And once it's in your DNA, it stays in your DNA (the cells that get the mutation will pass that mutation on when it divides into more cells).
- Which means, the people who take the shot get turned into factories for the spike protein bioweapon. BUT, it does not stop there. These spike proteins that the vaccinated people produce, where do they go? They go everywhere. They end up in your saliva, in your blood, everywhere. Think about why people who got the COVID vaccine are asked not to donate blood in some places. It's because some smart people have figured this out.
Once you become a factory for the spike bioweapon, you shed that spike all over the people around you. And when those neighbors who hadn't gotten the vaccine encounter the spike protein in their system, guess what? Their immune system responds to those proteins, thus becoming fooled into attacking their own reproductive organs as well.
- Now, in order for everyone to be affected by the spike proteins, the DS needs to pass a critical threshold in the number of people who get vaccinated. They haven't gotten there yet, and the number of willing participants in biological experimentation have dwindled (which is why they are so desperate to push out these shots). But once they hit that threshold, it doesn't matter that the rest of us don't get vaccinated, we will still have major fertility problems.
NOW, you might ask: Why is the Deep State making their own leftiest brown shirt minions infertile? No theory up to this point has really addressed this question. But here is what I think: Consider a future where everyone is infertile. Big problem for the Deep State right? If you have no people to rule over, no people to produce goods to fuel your empire, then what is the point of being a ruler?
Well, what if in this hypothetical future, there were unnatural ways to reproduce, involving the most advanced medical science known to mankind? What if they could take the DNA of a man and a woman, and then artificially produce a zygote, a fertilized egg, and then implant it back into the woman (or grow it inside an artificial container). This is actually not very far fetched at all. Look it up and you will see that not only are scientists already experimenting with this tech, but they are succeeding at it. In fact, in all likelihood, this science is probably already up and working, but we just don't know about it.
Now, what does this have to do with everything? It has everything to do with everything. This is the key. In a future where everyone is unable to reproduce naturally, and they have to go to special medical institutions to artificially conceive, who controls who gets access to the service? It's your friend (sarc), the Deep State. Now, the Deep State can decide who gets to pass their genes on and who doesn't. China already has a social credit system where if the government sees you doing things it doesn't like, you cannot board planes, you cannot eat at restaurants, you cannot go to school or get a job. BUT, there is one thing China cannot control, which is who gets to have children. UNTIL NOW! Now, the NWO can decide to prevent everyone who opposes them from reproducing, leading to absolute control and domination over the human species, with not a single speckle of resistance. For many thousands of years, various people have tried to rule over a large mass of people, but they have always fallen with time. The Deep State knows this, so they are designing mechanisms to ensure they will rule forever.
This is well thought out, but if they wanted to cause mass infertility, where would they get the children they seem to need for whatever perversions they happen to enjoy? It seems to always be about children, whatever camp your in, cannibalism, satanists, pedophiles, it seems like they all require children, and a lot of them, why would they sterilize the cattle? To make it labor intensive, time consuming, and costly to even reproduce means the children born will be high quality to them, not the worthless offspring of cattle.
Have your missed they store their stock underground? Obviously they will be safe from this vaccine