Noticed a trend lately with the shills. The current play is to encourage us to hate our fellow Americans. They point to the election "These fucking people keep voting for them its THEIR fault" while knowing damn well we haven't had a real election in decades. Some states like Cali and NY it's probably been several. This is no different then the propaganda pushed in Rwanda/Germany/Egypt/Ukraine or any other genocide/civil war/engineered conflict.They want us to kill each other without firing a shot. Dont fall for it. Do not be manipulated by their hunger for hate and anger. Deport them on site. You'll know- their obvious.
Yes, it's exhausting being awake and surrounded by those asleep. But it's our patriotic duty as well as a religious one for many of us to love our neighbor and care for our community. Our enemy isn't our fellow Americans, it's the cabal and China. These are very well known very common tactics and falling for it will be our demise. We must unite against them. We can't allow ourselves to think of our fellow citizens as others. Its the first step in a slippery slope. Remember that the msm is showing you a very small very loud minority of people. A lot of money went into the programming. You can't even be mad or surprised it worked.
We broke free and now we must help to guide the rest.