Did you think a year or two ago, that today people would have their bank accounts frozen and their livelihoods threatened for being a Trump supporter? Did you think that Twitter would ban any speech of anything that is against liberal/new world order? Did you ever think the President of the United States would be banned from social media? Did you ever imagine that there is a cabal, and an illuminati, pushing satanism on the American people through music, movies, and stupid shit like Nike shoes? How is it so hard to believe that there is already a war on Christianity?
He confronted a powerful kazarian mobster when the mobster was with his children a while back. I wonder what took them so long.
Fuentes wanted attention and he got it.
Nick Fruentez bangs trannies. Yes. Yes. Yes. Because religious persecution is largely a myth to instill in their followers a confirmation bias that doesn't fit reality, usually everyone who actively goes against the political oppressor gets silenced, even when they just want to be left alone. Tyranny doesn't pick on Christians because of their beliefs but because of their resistance.
Next it'll be Christians
sounds like conspiracy alarmism...probably not.
Did you think a year or two ago, that today people would have their bank accounts frozen and their livelihoods threatened for being a Trump supporter? Did you think that Twitter would ban any speech of anything that is against liberal/new world order? Did you ever think the President of the United States would be banned from social media? Did you ever imagine that there is a cabal, and an illuminati, pushing satanism on the American people through music, movies, and stupid shit like Nike shoes? How is it so hard to believe that there is already a war on Christianity?
He confronted a powerful kazarian mobster when the mobster was with his children a while back. I wonder what took them so long. Fuentes wanted attention and he got it.
Nick Fruentez bangs trannies. Yes. Yes. Yes. Because religious persecution is largely a myth to instill in their followers a confirmation bias that doesn't fit reality, usually everyone who actively goes against the political oppressor gets silenced, even when they just want to be left alone. Tyranny doesn't pick on Christians because of their beliefs but because of their resistance.
Well, you're half right.
They do persecute people who oppose political oppression.
That's a general truth.
However, specifically, in this case, they ARE persecuting Christians.
They call it "white" so you don't catch on.
They hate Jesus.
The reason they hate Jesus is because he taught love, harmony, enlightenment, and productivity.
They can't stand that.
They need LOOSH. They eat those negative vibes and a planet full of happy, harmonious, enlightened people would provide them no food.
They'd starve to death.
Also, we wouldn't need them. They require us to accept limitation. Why would we need doctors if we could just heal ourselves? And each other?
We wouldn't need drugs, hospitals.
We wouldn't need money. At least not that fiat stuff they push on us.