She's been sentenced to the 'covid hotel' for students at St Nazi College who have come in close contact with someone with covid. Mind you, she does not have covid...but she is being forced to stay in this on campus 'hotel' for 10 days. She must do her work remotely. She is 'allowed' 3 walks outside per day, for XX minutes a day, at specified times. They bring her meals. This is a private college, known for its excellence in music education. My daughter has always wanted to be a music teacher. She is based. A Trump supporter. A solid Christian. But, they have infiltrated her mind as she considers this sentence 'sound policy'. That, right there, is the worst part of it. She is missing TWO concerts, that she's worked all semester on, this weekend because her prison sentence comes during this and is 'unfortunate timing'. The bright side? Well, as her parents, we don't have to watch her concerts online (no in person attendance allowed) wearing her black muzzle while they sing and dance because she is no longer in the production. It pains us to watch that nonsense. Have we done anything about it? Absolutely! We sent the president our two cents worth... with no response, and even against our daughter's wishes. I soooo look forward to the day there is the true 4-6% left that haven't woken up. I do believe my daughter will wake up. We have sent her countless emails on mask wearing, and have had the talks about covid and the nonsense. I do think she is listening but her peers are the white noise while she's away. Unlike I would be, she's just a good kid and willing to take her 'sentence' like a 'grown up'. Pray for her. Pray they 'reduce her sentence'! I know this can't be easy.
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TLDR: College is a racket scandal set out to wipe your kids minds, they lack creativity and drain your creative process with SJW values. Don't send your kid, as they can get more experience from a tutor or even practicomg on their own. College is a waste of money.
I've been going to art school not because I want the education these loonies offer because I figured the best way to solve the fucked education system is to start within. When I started at my university I was very angry on how much social justice shit your forced to undertake. They go so far as almost trying to weaponize you to spew propoganda. They practically preach art isn't a tool for fun mainly for political reasoning. The problem for me is there's one ever going to be enough done, in terms politically as SJW will always find inequality and make up reasoning for it even though they offer no fixes. Literally all of this degree it incentives cheating, repeating what the teacher says. Also the cost why have a general studies that test where you are? I've pasted all my general studies courses but I know some who struggle, to me it just seems like a trap to get those who aren't the best academically to be stuck redoing it at least once, equally more money for the college. This has been a painful semester as constantly hearing America's racist, your beliefs are that of a white supremacists won't work on me I hear much more labeling division from the commies, and it honestly makes me sick. I'm a veteran and my brain isn't some squishy little sponge, I believe anybody can have a talent w/o college as long as they practice. College is a money racket who only rewards those who stay in the brain wiping program until the end, when they spew hate, anger and propoganda. Don't send your kids there, pay for an instructor use youtube, anything that doesn't take their innocent brain and expose them to this nonsense! End of rant sorry this was so long