During the interview, watch the girl they ask what is the carnival. You can see the blinking she does which is often associated with making things up. memory recall doesn't normally include this type of blinking but using imagination and creativity to make up a story is linked with continuous blinking. If she were stating facts about the carnival, or even recalling a script she's supposed to say, neither would normally come with this reaction, but saying something on camera that you know isn't the truth does
This morning from the crazy ass carnival
During the interview, watch the girl they ask what is the carnival. You can see the blinking she does which is often associated with making things up. memory recall doesn't normally include this type of blinking but using imagination and creativity to make up a story is linked with continuous blinking. If she were stating facts about the carnival, or even recalling a script she's supposed to say, neither would normally come with this reaction, but saying something on camera that you know isn't the truth does
Also, never trust the crazy eyes