''Officials say the dogs are in U.S. Marshals Service custody being cared for by a contractor''
Yes, a few odd bits in the article. I'm sure I read something yesterday about an agent on the compound of Bush being found dead (which has also happened before I think) but I am having a senior moment and can't find the thingummyjig for the whatdoyoucallit.
''Officials say the dogs are in U.S. Marshals Service custody being cared for by a contractor''
Yes, a few odd bits in the article. I'm sure I read something yesterday about an agent on the compound of Bush being found dead (which has also happened before I think) but I am having a senior moment and can't find the thingummyjig for the whatdoyoucallit.
Oh yea. I didn't make that connection
Good point!
That's the one, thanQ!