I understand this is a very touchy subject here and I really hope some kind patriots will help me instead of hate me or ban/suspend me but it is something I and I know many struggle with. Is trump a part of the masonic cabal or not? How can we truly trust him knowing how secretive of a fraternity the upper echelons of the masonic cult is? Furthermore, how do we know this plan isn't a part of the masonic plan? The great awakening and the masonic enlightenment sound awfully familiar.
Take a look at this old NYT article: https://www.nytimes.com/1912/09/22/archives/solomons-temple-scheme-of-freemasons-and-opinions-of-jews-on.html
We know that in the end times the abomination of desolation must take place before Christs true return which takes place in the Jewish temple: Matthew 24: 15 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2024&version=NIV
also this: Daniel 9:27 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Daniel%209%3A27&version=KJV
Doesn't it seem odd that trump was pushing peace in the middle east so heavily and moved the US embassy to Jerusalem? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_recognition_of_Jerusalem_as_capital_of_Israel
Why did Jared Kushner have such a pivotal role in all this? I would love someone to give me an answer on that one...
The main reason I am bringing all this up is because I recently watched that video by the X-factor guy, I saw Trump doing the masonic handshake, and it instantly brought back doubts I have been holding within this whole time. It also brought me back to this video right here:
Trump denying the need for Christ's forgiveness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaIiamtNdv0
Heck, at least he is honest about it, but he also brings up another red flag, the pastor of his church... Norman Vincent Peale, a 33° Scottish Rite Mason: https://www.masonrytoday.com/index.php?new_month=5&new_day=31&new_year=2020
Flame me if you want, I don't care but I really hope someone can have some compassion with me on this topic, I really am struggling with this. I think there is more merit to this than anyone here in this community is willing to acknowledge, I know many will probably accuse me of being a shill or whatever, but to instantly deny the thought of this goes against the very ideals this community stands for which is truth and critical thinking so I do hope someone can give me some answers or at least feedback and thoughts on the subject. Thank you, I really do love this community and the people here, I wouldn't be making this post if I didn't.
I watched the whole thing and your spot on, the comparisons he makes are unsettling. What I know from the bible is that the whore of babylon must first fall before the beast system can come into place and the whore of babylon describes the cabal to a T. Its hard to see just how something bad can come out of something good, but who am I to question how God works. The whole enlightenment thing raises a big red flag for me, this is masonic as all hell.
2 Corinthians 11:14 “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
I just feel there should be no problem with thinking cautiously here with blindly following a supposed savior to our world, If people truly believed in God than that would be ok here.
THAT is where my doubts come into play, I don't mistrust the plan, I mistrust what is to come. And the thing is a LOT of people here claim to be all about God, but if they look at what the bible really teaches they will see that first the whore of Babylon falls and then the beast comes in followed by the Anti-Christ, which in all honesty would make no sense to anyone who takes this Q thing at face value, after all how can something so bad come out of something good. If we don't trust that Jesus saves us because of his death, then we succumb to the great delusion which takes place during the Anti-Christs reign. A love for this truth is what helps us from this delusion, and everyone here should love truth right?