I googled Transgenderism to see if that was an official word - This is from the 2nd result, I had no idea
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It's all about normalizing the bat shit crazy among us.
First it was normalizing homosexuality(say what you want about it). Then it was gay marriage, then transgenderism, then it will be whatever marriage you want it to be, then pedophilia, etc. It's about breaking down known society, changing it to fit the anarchists view, not because they think their ideas are utopian-ly better, but about destroying society as a whole, build it back up in whatever way they want to.
Exactly, driven by Satan himself. We all know how this ends if it goes unchecked... Enter Q.
This exactly!
The DMV accidentally listed my gender as Female ( I am male )... does this mean I can get free drinks on ladies night?
Make Transgenderism A Disease Again Make Satanists Afraid Again Make Pedophiles Dead Again I can go on...
Does this mean that the few people that actually have legit gender dysmorphia cant get covered for medical help now?
Ah. Nicely done nomenclature folk.