posted ago by cyberMissionary ago by cyberMissionary +5 / -0

Listen frens, God has made it clear whether you want to accept it or not, degeneracy is forbidden in his kingdom. Our movement can not continue like this if we have poison in our well. Q has said that "God wins" and when God wins you won't want to be a sinner on Earth in that hour.

Degeneracy is anything inmoral such as fornication, masturbation, sodomy, pedophilia, rape, beastiality. I overcame these things and repent, so can you!

It's time for us to accept that there are some in our own movement who still latch on to the propaganda from the progressive left. They still engage in degeneracy that is strictly forbidden in the Bible. We cannot win if they refuse to accept the full truth which is the word of God. Love the sinner but hate the sin.