BARDS Stated on his POD cast 5-7-21 Fishers of Men that "God does not use fear to bring people to God" The prophets in the old testament were given the word of God to proclaim Gods judgement if people did not turn from their wicked ways and return to him whole heartedly. I think BARDS should rephrase his statement and correct himself.
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God warns, instructs, disciplines, and judges. There are consequences to actions. When we discipline or warn our children is it because we want them to fear us? No. We want them to respect, honor, understand, and do what is right.
Now, if (just an example) you want your children to fear you, you would punish without warning and unjustly. You would be harsh, controlling and unpredictable.
Sometimes it is difficult to reconcile the God of the old Testament with the God.of the New. But He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever
God is not playing around. Your comments are correct if you are a believer. The perception of Jesus in our day is an emasculated hippie diety with no power except to shower blessing and love. Well John's Revelation shows a King on a Throne and will come in Power and Might in the last days to kill with the sword of his mouth.
Exactly. When He comes back its not going to be as a humble man on a cross. Those who dont believe will be asking the rocks to fall on them and hide them
It is easy to have misconceptions of "love" "judging" and "compassion".
I struggle with it myself. But there is nothing "soft" or "passsive" about a true Christian.
I understand you have a strong opinion on this but it is not fear that draws people to our Father, it is His TRUTH, and His love. If you use fear that is a religious thing but it is not based on God's word. Neither is eternal hellfire-as in burning forever. When the soul dies, it is gone forever, spiritually cremated, if you will. That is churchianity teaching to make people obey like whipped dogs.
There is scripture study to back what I say but most Christians don't want to hear it or research it. Many seem so fond of eternal torture. God is a just God but He doesn't torture. Otherwise, why was He so appalled at His children burning their children in the fire?
Well that's the teaching of the world. God uses all things to draw men to himself. Fear is inherit in man after Adam sinned. Everyone fears and that's the problem today. Nobody fears God. Like Soddom and Gomorrah. Without fear there is no change in thinking. Most of the prophets and apostales were martyred because people did not want to hear about a God who is a consuming fire and will justly judge the unrighteous. Hence to 2021 in American. People fear the Covid and other demonic behaviors of our leaders around the world. The Fear of the Lord changes your mind. No change. When it comes down to it I became a christian for fear of going to hell. You can call it healthy fear or truth it doesn't matter what cliche you use. Man is fallen and is fearful of something until he dies and is perfected in his resurrection. The stronger we grow in Christ the less fear we have about the things in the world and our reverence for God.
I think we are mostly in agreement.
Thank you brother/sister in Christ. You obviously have a love for Father and His Word and for justice.
Isaiah 34 pretty much lays it our.
There is a difference between reverence and fear in the Bible. One has to do with esteem, respect, awe, precious wanting to please because you value something so much. As in a husband and wife relationship..your fidelity, trust, respect of your spouse is because you honor the relationship and don't want to lose it. You are carefully attentive. It is healthy and positive..not weak. One can be in awe and trembling when face with the power and might of God, especially when out of the realm of your experience.
Fear is rooted in anxiety. It is cringing and unhealthy like a "whipped dog". It is one entity manipulating another.
in the scripture you quoted..we don't fear the death of the body-that is only death of the flesh. Jesus is talking about persecutions and the value He places on His children. So, go forth as sheep amongst wolves, to bring truth to the lost. They need you so that they won't be lost forever. It is important to read in context because God is showing us the greater perspective and how to love as He does
Your missing my original Statement. I am talking about unbelievers and God using fear of Judgement to bring people to himself. I am well aware of how Christ works in the lives of believers.
Revelation 14:7 New International Version 7 He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.”
If a man does not leave everything and take up his own cross and follow Jesus than everything else is loving the created rather than the creator.
Jonny Q public, I appreciate the discussion and your ability to convey your thoughts without attacking and insulting.
Our Father uses very colorful language to convey truths. Certainly judgment is coming.
I will use Q as an example. Q also says "we have it all" and that justice is coming. Do the liberals and socialists care or listen? It is only by "Q proofs" or speaking the truth that people come around.
It is only through the Spirit of God that people can hear, see, and understand. I am saying that if you teach the whole word of God the Spirit of God will work in people who have that spark inside of them. It isn't hellfire.and brimstone that call people to Him, it is the truth in context .
I am about the Great Awakening. Helping people to see America is already under Gods judgement. America has heap up sin by our leaders passing laws to allow killing babies, same sex marriage and now gender classifications. Our calling right now should be like that of Isaiah and John the Baptist. Judgement is coming and repent. America was birthed as God centric but Isreal is God's chosen. Thanks for listening. And I would be your brother. Lol
I am with you. My heart is so grieved and I am angry too. We need to be strong in the Lord. Thank you brother
1 John 4:18 New International Version
18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
Once we Love God with all our "heart, mind and soul" fear will be driven out.
Well I certainly agree with that! When we understand our Father and his word we won't fear in a cringing way.
Matthew 10:28
“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
King James Version (KJV)
God uses whatever He chooses to draw a person to Jesus and sometimes it may be fear. So tho whatever the road to get to Jesus--once to Jesus, He is THE final and ONLY way to salvation. So technically, God absolutely uses many things & its often life circumstances that cause a person to realize how frail and uncertain life can be. Its the realization of sin that separates us from God that brings fear of the Lord and godly sorrow, which leads to repentance. If someone has not been born again by the Spirit of God, the only fear they have is fear of things in this world.
The fear of the Lord is different from the fear of man and fear of things in this world. All thru the bible we can see countless times we are told not to fear, why we shouldnt fear, and the answer to fear. Jesus said I will tell you who to fear, not the one who can kill the body and thats it; fear the One who after that, has the power to cast you into hell. The fear of God is developed differently as we grow as a Christian but begins when we realize we need Jesus. And it doesnt feel like 'fear' as we know it for life situations. The fear of the Lord is peaceful and doesnt make sense really until someone is born again.
Bottom line, TLDR; God uses what He has decided to use to draw someone to Him and the circumstances of life will be a catalyst and useful; Acts 17:24-31, specifically 26-27 tells us what brings someone to God and it could be a number of things. "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us..."
Very well said!