posted ago by QuackiChan ago by QuackiChan +34 / -0

So without going into much detail because of HIPAA, I’ll just say that I have access to medical records for my job. I got sick in February and I’m certain it was the Coof, and after reading about viral shedding from the vax I went on a minor dig because I knew people I work with everyday got the jab at the end of January. I got sick immediately after.

In my dig I came across a document from April of 2021 for one of those mentioned. It said “No immunizations on file”. Therein lies the possible redpill.

How can there be no immunizations on file if the 2nd jab was received 2 months prior?

So I dug some more. I can’t find anywhere that they are calling the Covid vax an “immunization”. So if it’s not an immunization, then what is it, if not simply an experiment?