posted ago by wd40guy ago by wd40guy +16 / -2

Mid last year I jumped on the the Q consciousness after finding this page and reading a lot of Anon stuff on YT back then. I was excited for a change, I am still excited but a little anxious.
Understand we need to get to the precipice and I understand this isn't about me but about changing the world. Lately I have been reading posts about this Bombshell or that Hopium linking a tweet from one to another and using military time to link and all that. But I don't see, or read of changes. I see HR1 and HR5 moving, I see less and less working, I see state governors (not cap for a reason) driving their evil and restrictive agenda, I see farmers left out of relief bills and the allowing of weather changes further destroying farmers only to have Gate buy it up. I see a priest in Canada arrested on the highway I see pedofiles arrested but never the big guys, I hear of DUMBS getting destroyed but no evidence. I see the FBI off doing their evil. But I see no change. I see the ahole republicans not fighting back both in my state and in congress.

I think we all need a little action. something from Q, something from someone with some real action, real execution (many meanings) of a plan.

Help me maintain my energy and strength. I know I have been at this a lot less time than many of you.