Today I was standing in line at a business when I noticed patriotic tattoos on the man's arm in front of me. I asked about them and we started talking about the insanity of the mask mandates, how stupid our local government was, and how there was no way I would take a vaccine that was only approved by the FDA under emergency authorization. Shortly after I heard a man's voice from behind me say "just shut the hell up". I looked back and asked the man who said that if he was speaking to me. He said "yes I was, you should shut the hell up".
I confidently looked him in the eye and told him to "go suck a dick and mind your own business like a grown man. I wasn't talking to you."
He shut up and never spoke again. I immediately went on to continue my conversation. It felt good.
These crazy brainwashed neo-marxists like to think that they are badass because no one has the backbone to stand up to them. All bark, no bite. Stay strong friends.
"I confidently looked him in the eye and told him to "go suck a dick and mind your own business like a grown man. I wasn't talking to you."
k, NO ONE CARES. I want sauce for relevant info or shut the fuck up, you want validation go to facebook. We are all very proud of you, so now take the rest of the attention seekers and those who restate the obvious for upvotes to fawk off. This place is becoming a fucking pity party and it's so disgusting.
You are a self-absorbed asshole. Not everyone has the ability to speak up (usually me); however it’s posts like this OP that give me courage to speak out and not take their shit like I used to. I’m usually the quiet one, that would have cowered in embarrassment in that line, being sorry that I offended anyone. NO MORE!! This awakening has changed me for the better. You need to realize not everyone thinks like you. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else, nobody’s forcing you to read posts like this. This movement is about making this a better world for everyone, not just you.
Are you mute? How do you not have the ability to speak up? Serious question.
If you need people to post things for you to have courage, then it's not courage. I never said cower to people. Believe it or not many of us go through these experiences daily, but only a few feel the need to tell everyone about it. This is akin to seeking praise for outsmarting a child, like, we get it. You're smart they're dumb. You're good they're bad. I see 100's of posts like this and it's really annoying, as I left facebook to avoid such attention seeking/fishing for validation within your "group". That was my point.