posted ago by Boobery ago by Boobery +14 / -1

I can hardly listen to the Demorats in meetings any longer now that I know what I know. I am so so angry that they continue to lie to our faces while laughing amongst themselves. This is just what they do, and they have been doing it for way too long. My eyes are opened wide and we must NOT let them get away with this now that we know. I feel like a used up whore. They continue to abuse and abuse, and to boot we the people are paying them in addition to their puppet masters. Why should they stop? We the people can now see right through all this BS.

They continue to kill and murder our American people with all these made up FF's. Shootings. bombings, fires, floods, human trafficking and all the while blaming it all on Americans, non existent white extremist, etc. They are all blasphamists, satanist .They hate us...and they all need to be dealt with. God is great and he will judge them.

I had to get that off my chest. I will pray for my patience which is running low. Will we be out of gas, food, money etc. , before the patience is gone?

God bless the Patriots and OUR United States of America!