Well,i went and read comments. Definately didnt disappoint.
"Don’t tell me that I don’t matter cus I made the choice to not vote for both evils. Maybe if we had better options I would have but I like my right to be pansexul I like my friends to have the right to be part of the lgbtq. Trump ran by the phrase grab them by the pussy talking about women like you and your daughter. He sexually objectified women for years before coming president. Biden just ganna die in office. SO WITH MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS I will say what I want don’t like it block me"
How can you fact check with sighting your own paper? No ones buying this right?
Not sure. I havent read any comments but you know there are some idiots that believe it. Cmon man,they think biden won.??
Well,i went and read comments. Definately didnt disappoint.
"Don’t tell me that I don’t matter cus I made the choice to not vote for both evils. Maybe if we had better options I would have but I like my right to be pansexul I like my friends to have the right to be part of the lgbtq. Trump ran by the phrase grab them by the pussy talking about women like you and your daughter. He sexually objectified women for years before coming president. Biden just ganna die in office. SO WITH MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS I will say what I want don’t like it block me"
"It’s 100% miss leading the technology is 1000000% different your trump people just won’t take your loss now will you "