Remember all that video of people dropping dead on the street in China, bodies piled up. Did you ever see it where you live? Does that footage of Chinese Doctors having emotional breakdowns now seem like a movie production in retrospective? The death should be what motivates people but it's clearly not.
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I realized long ago those Chinese videos were fake. They took videos of random people fainting or having other medical emergencies and used them for fear propaganda about the virus. I get that.
Also, if it were really a deadly virus, wouldn’t it have been prudent to protect the military first? Every other vaccine in the military is mandatory. The covid vax is voluntary. Big red flag. Is it voluntary because it’s harmless and ineffective, or we’ve already had it or is it dangerous? I don’t know that answer. Somewhere in my gut, I think it might be harmless. I know Pres Trump would never intentionally put us in harm’s way.
And why, if masks were so important, didn’t they focus on producing (like mad, like the vents) real protective masks i.e n95 and distribute them to the public? They could have made that a priority, along with distribution of hand sanitizers, gloves etc. but they never did. It was all “use your shitty homemade mask to save grandma.” Why so low effort about a supposedly deadly virus?
Now we have a vaccine that clearly has side effects and is reportedly deadly. Can we trust that info is real? The vax was the real goal. That was the end game so we could be forced into having passports. But why would Pres Trump support that?
My more ominous question is.... is the real virus coming? Do we really know what is in this covid vax? Could it be something the military has already had? Did operation warp speed come about because they already had what they needed in certain other vaccines?
Lots of questions and I do lose sleep over it.
You think the CCP with their big brother surveillance state just let's random citizens film people dying on the streets? The whole thing was propoganda. Here's a compilation on the ChinaTube that hasn't gotten purged yet.