The attendant, a middle aged woman that I see everyday except Saturday, was talking loudly with a 20 something year old when I walked in. Clearly talking about the vax and I hear her say "It's all fun and games until somebody gets polio."... Mmmmkay
So I gather my items and while she's ringing me up she tries to initiate small-talk by saying "I think I made him laugh"...
Me: Oh?
Her: I have a saying for the anti-vaxxers 'It's all fun and games until somebody gets polio.'
Me: Oh you got the experimental vaccination?
Her: I had my second one yesterday and I feel like shit.
(Knowing that I have no chance to educate her on the declination of diseases due to improvements in sanitation...)
Me: Do me a favor and check the site with a magnet and see if it sticks
Her: scoffs
Me: Well, I'm in here everyday. Sunday you can either call me "crazy" or ask me "WTF?!?!" Feel better.
A couple of other people heard the convo. I'll bet she tries to find a magnet as soon as she can find a few minutes. I'm going to start carrying one in my pocket. Will report back.
What you said was awesome!
Perhaps what I would have said was “HAHAHA it is all fun and games until vaccine occurring polio disease outnumbers the natural virus! HAHAHA! SO FUNNY.”
Your comment is awesome, Fren! Shills tryin' to algo you though,...
Oh whats that mean?