Texas Governor Expected to Sign Bill Banning Abortions When Fetal Heartbeat Is Detected
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I absolutely understand your view as well. Do you believe a body can have two souls? That particular aspect to me can be confusing because I would say it can't and that a soul maybe planned to join a body from birth, I don't believe it can until the baby is actually born because then there will be two souls inside the mother's body. What is your take on this?
That is a very good point. I wasn't brought up with the bible, so I apologize if I don't get the reference correctly, but I would argue that the soul exists before conception, conception doesn't create a new soul. Therefore, David encountering his baby's soul in heaven would make sense even if the baby was to die before birth without it necessarily meaning that the soul had joined the baby's body.
This discussion has made me think that if we lived as a society in a better way (for example if premarital sex was highly discouraged) then our need for things like abortions would no longer exist. I think making abortion illegal would cause a lot of problems for our society given it's current state (as in the Georgia example), but if we changed our society at the core to really influence more traditional values, then I think the need for abortions would be greatly minimized.