I want off this planet. I want to be seperated fron the Dummies. I can't take the mass stupidity anymore. I used to love Sci Fi movies, but living in one is a fricken nightmare.
I can't understand the people who are rushing to get the Vax. I used to think I was of average intelligence, but I gotta tell you, these buffoons make me feel like a genius. Or maybe it's just that I have complete faith in God and they have none. It's sad. But their lack of faith is destroying the planet, which is infuriating.
Ok just needed to rant, sorry.
My brother and sister both got the shot despite knowing and agreeing that they weren't safe. I get that my bro has heart issues but my sis only did it because her paranoid boss said she couldn't go back to work without it. Lo and behold, my brother has since passed out a few times out of the blue. Despite being on blood thinners for his cardiac problems, he has apparently had several mini strokes. I'm just sad and angry at the world these days.
The vaccine produces proteins that attach to cells in blood vessel walls, including in the heart. The damage caused by this is one theory for why people are getting blood cloths everywhere. Taking the vax is the last thing you want to do if you have heart issues.
The virus itself can do the same shit, but it only happens in the most serious cases. Your immune system gets a chance to fight it back first, unlike with the vaccine.