Here's a thought: The Democratic party is splitting along Squad (Commie) and Establishment (Nazi) lines over the issue of Israel vs Hamas/PA. The issue is creating a serious rift among its base, the MSM, and the party apparatchiks.
What if "saving Israel for last" actually means that this division is going to be what breaks the party apart and exposes their hypocrisy to the point where even the most dense can see it? I'm not sure there is another issue which could crack the Dems in two like the Israel issue can.
Here are some articles pertaining to the intra-party rift:
This has nothing to do with R or D. Black or white, brown or yellow, God created us all in His own image, and to be free with our own will. Our history has been rewritten by masonic jews into lies to subdue the masses and cause division by hate and racism. Real history shows us all that jews are responsible for the mass genocides across the entire planet, they tried to hide it well, but it is resurfacing even now. Eugenics, sterilization, mass murder has long been blood on the jewish states hands. Keep in mind jews killed our Christian messiah Jesus Christ by demanding his execution by cruxifiction.
This began long ago. Read about the Bolshevick revolution, and the German Reich. These were caused and formed by jews. Their tactics are still the same today. Socialism, communism, division all in the name of "Gods chosen race." This of course, these are absolute lies and deception, the work of satan. One family controlling the world's money can buy anything but redemption. Isreal is last, and with good reason.
Technically, God commanded them to kill all Palestinian residence in the land given them after the wandering in the desert. LOTS of the inhabitants were "spared" and adopted or married into Israeli culture. Many were just told to flee, rather than killed. My understanding is that much of the Arab world is made up of those people's decendants.