posted ago by MAGAsoyboyslayer ago by MAGAsoyboyslayer +41 / -0

It was good, but I do think it had some fluff like the photos of celebs doing freemason signs.

I don't know if every picture of a celebrity doing masonic signs is proof enough. My friend had a good point that it could just be a photographer/s telling them all to do hand signs because they look "cool" and also knowing it shows symbolism into their occult. Some celebrities just seem too f-ing retarded and stupid to be in that club.

Also, Greg Abbott (not a huge fan) did the supposed "satan horns symbol" with Elon Musk in a photo in the video taken in Texas. Well Greg Abbott graduated from UT and that is the college hook em horns symbol. Altiyan Childs from Australia might have not known that. Elon on the other hand might be.

I do agree there are freemasons that are satanic as heck. Jay-Z and Lady Gaga (also at spirit cooking) in bed with Clintons/Obamas I am 100% sure are in bed with satan. Most 33 degree's freemasons are in that club. The rest are just stupid celebs doing masonic signs without even realizing it. Eminem and the celebs that were at epsteins island I believe are freemasons. Fauci I guarantee is a freemason. Can't trust his flip flopping ass.