Suppose if you are going to complain about spelling. You should make sure you spell-check and grammar-check first. Here I fixed it for you. You are not trying to spell or grammar shame anyone. However, it is vital to get things right if you debate someone or try to convey an essential piece of info or an opinion. Even if you are not dumb, sometimes it looks that way. So here are a couple of essential hints just about spelling.
The words hear and here. The word hear contains the word ear. That one is easy. If you use the word to mean using your side head holes, use the word with the ear in it. Here is a place.
There, there and they are. There is a place. It has the word here in it, which is also a place. So use the word there if you are talking about a place. They imply ownership. You use this if talking about a group of people owning something. THEIR CAR. Their thought. Their opinion. It is a pronoun so that it can be tricky in today’s world. LOL. They are short, for they are. If the word you are talking about can be divided into those two words, use the apostrophe.
In late for work, but I will try to post some more tricks later. Again, not shaming. Sometimes people are just in a hurry. Sometimes they do not know the rules. Also, spell check is so easy if you are not sure. I am always thinking of easy ways to help people with these problems. Self-improvement is always good! I hope this info helps some friends. Moreover, if I wrote any misspellings or made grammar mistakes, I am only human, too!
I agree. I use my phone and can’t see very well so sometimes I press the wrong letter or spell check corrects a word and puts the wrong word. Usually you can tell when a commenter does this.
Suppose if you are going to complain about spelling. You should make sure you spell-check and grammar-check first. Here I fixed it for you. You are not trying to spell or grammar shame anyone. However, it is vital to get things right if you debate someone or try to convey an essential piece of info or an opinion. Even if you are not dumb, sometimes it looks that way. So here are a couple of essential hints just about spelling.
The words hear and here. The word hear contains the word ear. That one is easy. If you use the word to mean using your side head holes, use the word with the ear in it. Here is a place.
There, there and they are. There is a place. It has the word here in it, which is also a place. So use the word there if you are talking about a place. They imply ownership. You use this if talking about a group of people owning something. THEIR CAR. Their thought. Their opinion. It is a pronoun so that it can be tricky in today’s world. LOL. They are short, for they are. If the word you are talking about can be divided into those two words, use the apostrophe.
In late for work, but I will try to post some more tricks later. Again, not shaming. Sometimes people are just in a hurry. Sometimes they do not know the rules. Also, spell check is so easy if you are not sure. I am always thinking of easy ways to help people with these problems. Self-improvement is always good! I hope this info helps some friends. Moreover, if I wrote any misspellings or made grammar mistakes, I am only human, too!
I wasn’t complaining I was just trying to help. And I did edit my post but the edits wouldn’t save.
I agree. I use my phone and can’t see very well so sometimes I press the wrong letter or spell check corrects a word and puts the wrong word. Usually you can tell when a commenter does this.