I know =|. Mentally I'm prepared for the fall out but I realized something.... I don't know how to start a fire in case of an emergency unless I have a lighter in me. I know plants are edible but not sure which ones aren't. I don't know if it's a black bear or a brown bear that you pretend to be dead and don't remember every time I look it up. I don't where the land is that I can practice all of the survival skills needed that children should be taught in school along with math and such. I had a real life encounter with an immigrant racist and it put things into a higher perspective of how evil the would really is outside the US considering this immigrant was able to successfully become a citizen. The only thing I got going on for my individual self is that I know if shit hits the fan I will respectfully and rightfully protect myself first and others when possible.
He's committed to showing everyone the brutal reality. That's the only way they will ever better themselves. Tough love.
I know =|. Mentally I'm prepared for the fall out but I realized something.... I don't know how to start a fire in case of an emergency unless I have a lighter in me. I know plants are edible but not sure which ones aren't. I don't know if it's a black bear or a brown bear that you pretend to be dead and don't remember every time I look it up. I don't where the land is that I can practice all of the survival skills needed that children should be taught in school along with math and such. I had a real life encounter with an immigrant racist and it put things into a higher perspective of how evil the would really is outside the US considering this immigrant was able to successfully become a citizen. The only thing I got going on for my individual self is that I know if shit hits the fan I will respectfully and rightfully protect myself first and others when possible.
Plenty of literature out there to educate yourself with. Start now. Hell, you can find a whole lot of it online at zero cost