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I'm so sick of these people..Seriously, what the fucking hell? And know they will force the poison on children? I will never forgive these fucking idiots, i loath them more then anything. If the majority of liberals die its a win in my book, useful worthless idiots who has committed their life to destroy the west. Fuck them, fuck these atheist to hell and let them burn forever. I have a bad taste in my mouth just when hearing these snarky idiots speak.
The only forgiveness they should ask is from god, they are my enemy. I don't give a flying fuck about people who says we should be "tolerant" and "understanding" to these maniacs. Fucking pedophile enablers and filth.
Sorry, had to get that one of my chest even if it is not the prudent thing to say or think but ffs. Carry on now.
Yes and i truly hope god forgives them or they will be in a empty dark void for all eternity or worse. But we must protect our children (those who will remain) from these lunatics, not all are to far gone ofc. There is some good people out there who just don't know. But there is ALOT of people who welcomes the evil and only focus point is greed and controlling other combined with a degenerate behavior. Can we atleast not have to live beside and pay for these people? Can 't all liberal,socialist idiots create a country of their own? Maybe move them to NK or China or something, i just don't want them near me anymore. They are a existential threat to all humanity. The romans where not.