Why are so many people posting threads about what a bunch of worthless neckbeards in their mom's basement think of us?
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Yeah it’s completely harmless right…
No it isn’t. I’m starting to get notifications from Reddit because of the direct links here
I don’t have a read Reddit account and I don’t have a Reddit app on my phone. It’s not harmless.
If I wanted to be on Reddit, I would not be reddit but I’m not. I’m on GAW!
Make great awakening great again!
What I’m trying to say is this…
Since the retards on here started posting direct links to Reddit, notifications from Reddit have been popping up on my phone.
When you’re on .win - and somebody posts a direct link, you don’t know that until you actually select that post. By then it’s too late because you’ve been redirected to Reddit!
I don’t have a Reddit account! I don’t have the Reddit app! I never go to Reddit and I’ve never had an account there. Therefore I have never made any comments on that social media platform ever, so there should be no interaction with me at all whatsoever with that social media platform.
It wasn’t until retards here started posting direct links to that platform, that I started getting notifications. And I don’t have notifications ON - on my phone, nor do I have the app on my phone, so there’s no possible way that I could’ve accidentally agreed to receiving them. As stated by another retard on this site.
The fact of the matter is ever since the Q documentary came out, we’ve been inundated with shills. They have made it past the handshake phase, and are ruining this place.
Just letting you know since you asked to clarify my situation.
Go through the notification settings of your browser, delete your history of Reddit. If you click something akin to “accept all cookies”, there’s an option similar to get notifications for individual websites. Are you using an iPhone or an Android phone?