I'm willing to be a little patient and see him get the last two years of 2020, then run again in 2024. That way we get him for 10 years instead of just eight!
Arizona is in the oven now. And baking. Done in a month.
All dem obfuscation lies delay. Are failed.
When The detailed report comes out by cyber ninjas then all the media and the Democrats can do is try to attack it but I think that these guys are going to put together a pretty watertight decent report considering they’ve had two months to look at every single ballot watermarks. Etc
We already have Georgia and Pennsylvania Wisconsin and other states already looking at doing audits
and I guarantee guarantee in stone( like the 10 Commandments are written ) that if the Arizona one comes out like we think
the citizens of that state are going to overrun any rhino/democrat opposition to having a FULL forensic audit performed
There are no elections no deadlines for any of this
Joe potato is president ; nobody on our side is arguing that ; and they’re screwing things up as fast as they humanly can !
and looking like the coward liar Stealer. Cheaters that they are
They cannot destroy the evidence in the states there’s federal law saying that it all needs to be kept for 22 months
We’re watching now about the 20th different battle in Arizona as they still try to withhold the routers and the passwords to the dominion machines
I'm willing to be a little patient and see him get the last two years of 2020, then run again in 2024. That way we get him for 10 years instead of just eight!
?What a day for a daydream.....? ?
For some reason this makes me think of cartoon birds and squirrels singing happy songs.
Arizona is in the oven now. And baking. Done in a month.
All dem obfuscation lies delay. Are failed.
When The detailed report comes out by cyber ninjas then all the media and the Democrats can do is try to attack it but I think that these guys are going to put together a pretty watertight decent report considering they’ve had two months to look at every single ballot watermarks. Etc
We already have Georgia and Pennsylvania Wisconsin and other states already looking at doing audits
and I guarantee guarantee in stone( like the 10 Commandments are written ) that if the Arizona one comes out like we think
the citizens of that state are going to overrun any rhino/democrat opposition to having a FULL forensic audit performed
There are no elections no deadlines for any of this
Joe potato is president ; nobody on our side is arguing that ; and they’re screwing things up as fast as they humanly can !
and looking like the coward liar Stealer. Cheaters that they are
They cannot destroy the evidence in the states there’s federal law saying that it all needs to be kept for 22 months
We’re watching now about the 20th different battle in Arizona as they still try to withhold the routers and the passwords to the dominion machines
More popcorn
Well said!
I'm stocked up!! ?????????????????