I've seen a lot of worry expressed about those who have family or friends who have taken the COVID jab, and have seen the posts about suramin. Much of what I've read around ongoing side effects center around autoimmune response and inflammation.
I've personally done lots of research on this topic (pre Covid) and would like to mention the Nemechek Protocol. It's fairly simple to follow - and Dr. Nemechek has a book worth reading - but in short, the whole protocol centers around healing the brain and body by reducing inflammation using simple things like EVOO and fish oil.
The book is written to help those with developmental disorders and autism, however, the protocol can help many different ailments. The book talks about research showing that elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines within the central nervous system can have a big impact on the development of neurological disorders.
That said, perhaps this protocol would aid in healing or avoiding the cytokine storm that some experts say could happen with the jab. Here is a link to the site with the book I'm referring toLINK
I've been trying to combine Nemechek's anti-inflammatory advice with the gut healing advice from Dr. Ruscio. I'd recommend his book, as well. https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Gut-You-Personalized-Transform-ebook/dp/B078ZLMRCL/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=dr+ruscio+healthy+gut+healthy+you&qid=1622765658&sprefix=dr+ruscio&sr=8-1
Thank you! I will check it out! I actually took my kiddo to see Dr. N - we have seen some huge gains in her development since we began the protocol (kiddo is autistic). Also combined with vagus nerve stimulation - which has been shown to reduce inflammation as well. Something else for those who may have taken/have family who took the vaccine and are concerned. I really love this community - so many people with areas of expertise who are willing to share.
That's wonderful that your daughter is doing better!