439 Dan Scavino Just Followed “ SHOWTIME “. Anyone Need A Bigger Hint ?? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by ObamaSucks 3 years ago by ObamaSucks +441 / -2 66 comments download share 66 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
What's on showtime?
A couple of days ago DC police said there will be helicopters etc Monday today, due to exercises or something. Mighty fishy.
I'd get some popcorn, but don't hold your breath.
Now, all we need is some pedes from DC to report if anything is up.
Interesting. The white hats are doing a good job of plausible deniability. Nobody really knows for sure what's going to happen or when. Suits me fine.
That's why I am not holding my breath.
Well then maybe it was just exercises