posted ago by Caliope ago by Caliope +22 / -0

Freeband 11 Meter Frequencies and Bands

Most freeband operators use AM mode below CB channel 1 - the lower bands and SSB above CB channel 40 - the higher bands. There are several exceptions to this "gentleman's rule" however.

While some export radios - sold as 10 meter radios - often cover frequencies above and below the 25.615-28.305 MHz range, that is the de facto "standard" export band alphanumeric plan. Generally the CB band is band "D" or the "mid band". On 120-channel radios, coverage is generally limited to 26.515-27.855 MHz or 26.065-27.405 MHz, depending on the model. Modern Chinese export radios cover 25.615-30.105 MHz to include all of the 10 meter band and frequencies above it.

25.615-26.055 MHz - Band A - often used by taxi cabs and trucking companies (AM mode in the Americas, AM or FM elsewhere)

25.835 MHz AM - CB channel 19 "down three bands" - truckers are often heard here

26.065-26.505 MHz - Band B - often used by taxi cabs, trucking companies and hunting clubs

26.225 MHz USB - Latin American SSB activity

26.285 MHz USB - 26 MHz international calling frequency (commonly used in Europe)

26.285 MHz AM - CB channel 19 "down two bands" - truckers are often heard here

26.305 MHz AM - truckers, often heard in North America during band openings

26.385 MHz AM - truckers, taxis, etc.

26.405 MHz AM - another commonly active frequency

26.500 MHz LSB - Caribbean activity noted (also in USB mode - see 27.515 MHz LSB, 27.500 MHz USB and 27.500 MHz LSB)

26.515-26.955 MHz - Band C - "low band" or "lowers" all sorts of users, AM in the Americas, AM, FM and SSB elsewhere

26.515 MHz AM - active in southern USA

26.555 MHz LSB - very active in Mexico and Central/South America (and Caribbean)

26.565 MHz FM - Begin German 80 channel CB band to 27.405 MHz (FM only up to 26.955 MHz)

26.585 MHz AM - Mexican trucker channel, often very busy

26.605 MHz AM - alternate to 26.585 MHz (see also, 26.575 MHz, 26.595 MHz)

26.705 MHz AM - Puerto Rico, Florida and other Caribbean AM stations, often extremely powerful

26.715 MHz AM - alternate to 26.705 MHz

26.725 MHz AM - alternate to 26.705 MHz and 26.715 MHz

26.735 MHz AM - CB channel 19 "down one band" - truckers are often heard here (see also 27.635 MHz)

26.755 MHz AM - Often active in southern USA + every 10 kHz to 26.955 MHz

26.885 MHz AM - alternate to 26.915 MHz, others

26.905 MHz AM - alternate to 26.915 MHz, others

26.915 MHz AM - Big radios USA "915" channel 36 down one band, AM DX channel

26.965-27.405 MHz - Band D - legal CB band - "mid band", "FCC band" or "CEPT" band

27.415-27.855 MHz - Band E - "high band" or "uppers", mixture of SSB, AM and FM (FM rarely used in North or South America)

27.410 MHz LSB - Often used for SSB in the USA, can suffer from interference or QRM from AM stations on 27.405 MHz (CB channel 40)

27.415 MHz LSB - US calling/working frequencies (channels +5 kHz, 27.420 MHz, 27.425 MHz, 27.430 MHz, and so on, usually in LSB mode)

27.455 MHz USB - Latin American calling frequency (see also 26.555 MHz LSB) - Spanish language

27.505 MHz LSB - "Channel 50" - US freebanders

27.515 MHz LSB - Jamaica and Caribbean calling/DX frequency "The Knight Patrol"

27.555 MHz USB - international 11 meter DX calling frequency

27.60125 MHz FM - begin UK FM 27/81 CB allocation, 10 kHz steps to 27.99125 MHz

27.635 MHz USB - digital modes found here in Europe (ROS, PSK31), see also 27.235 MHz and 27.245 MHz

27.635 MHz AM - CB channel 19 "up one band" - truckers are often heard here (see also 26.735 MHz, 28.085 MHz, 25.835 MHz, 26.285 MHz, etc)

27.665 MHz USB - Spanish language common frequencies + 5 kHz USB/LSB to 27.705 MHz or higher

27.700 MHz USB - international 11 meter SSTV frequency

27.735 MHz USB - international 11 meter SSTV frequency (alternate, also digital SSTV)

27.775 MHz AM - sometimes AM signals are heard on this frequency and higher during band openings, often taxi dispatchers, etc

27.855 MHz AM - High band channel 40 - popular with trucking companies and taxi cabs

27.855-28.305 MHz - Band F - up to 27.995 MHz (channel 11A) popular with taxicabs and truckers, although truckers are often heard above 28.000 MHz it is strongly advised that freebanders stay below 28 MHz