Folks, take a look at the new card to the top right of the screen. What does it say?
Local action = national impact
I 100% agree with that statement. It is time we get involved and take back our country.
We need to start ousting our tyrannical elected officials. School boards and committees. Get involved. Run for local office; Mayor, Gov, state senate.
We must do something. Now, I'm not able to do much as I'm just turning 18, but many folks can. They just need to get up and do it, with no excuses. The Conservative party needs to grow a spine and take them out.
We the people are fed up with the way our government treats us. Enough is enough. The fight has already begun, we just need to take action.
No more excuses
NCSWIC... If we the people unite as one nation, we can make sure we get justice. We can get the tyrants out. Remember, it starts at the local level.
I like this! However, maybe we're going about it somewhat wrong? What if, instead of giving their old flawed and corrupt system legitimacy by trying to alter it; we 'simply' create a new one?
I actually believe this is their biggest fear, and one of the reasons why they censor us online and try to keep us from gathering in crowds; that we simply realize our force in sheer numbers and establish a new system which would render theirs obsolete. We wouldn't have to fire as much as a slingshot in order to complete a silent revolution and establish society on a new, better and way saner foundation.
Just throwing it out there.