Putting up a wall is a cure for the symptom, not the real issue. Democrats whine and call us heartless because we are fine with that solution.
We just need to solve the issue better than they can.
My thought was building a super city on the boarder where these people can go. It's completely secure, every angle recorded and watched, and we can weed out the good people, and allow them to become citizens.
This is more for the children than anything else.
This city would provide education to teach people how to be productive members of society.
This is just a half baked idea, but I'm looking forward to the positive and negative criticisms to refine it.
Most people say why do we even have to do anything, just build a wall and keep to ourselves. That doesn't solve the issue, and it makes it worse in the end.
A super city where people can come and be safe, under a controlled environment is ideal. If you don't want to live there, stay where you are, or become a productive members of society.
How does it help to accelerate the “brain drain” from these dysfunctional, non progressing countries?
This idea was more to save the children