posted ago by 13Buddha ago by 13Buddha +35 / -0

A few minutes ago, I posted that the UK organization, MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (equivalent to our FDA), called for a ban on CoVID-19 vaccines, deeming them unsafe for use in humans. Shortly after posting, I read the beginning of the report again and realized that the MHRA was not the organization that is calling for the ban, but rather the Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy, Ltd, (EBMC) an independent medical research company in the UK. EBMC sent their banning recommendation to the Director of MHRA.

Anyway, I deleted my post and apologize for jumping the gun for those who read it. It's a lesson learned.

Nevertheless, the link to EBMC's letter and report to MHRA is provided. It's a good one. As far as Hopium and Adrenaline, I'm always ready for another dose. https://www.francesoir.fr/sites/francesoir/files/urgent_preliminary_report_of_yellow_card_data_9-6-2021.pdf