I know they've been messing with Tom and he's pissed about it. Like someone told me, yes, he can be cancelled.....just like Trump was. No platform is safe for us to count on anymore. But...if you check the 'trending' list it doesn't always match with the number of views...if it did, BTS, who has hundreds of millions of views for almost all of their songs, would always be at the top of the 'trending' list...i.e., they have a song from 9 months ago, 'Dynamite' with 1.1 BILLION views and growing. Crazy weird taste I have...they are the two I listen to the most...along with Disturbed. Tom's getting noticed, he's over the target, prayers for his safety.
Soon they'll jus start taking away his number of views....then he's really going to get pissed. They do it all the time. I don't know who those others in the top 10 are...looks like all rappers to me. I don't mind rappers, but the message has to be worthwhile, not the usual garbage.
I know they've been messing with Tom and he's pissed about it. Like someone told me, yes, he can be cancelled.....just like Trump was. No platform is safe for us to count on anymore. But...if you check the 'trending' list it doesn't always match with the number of views...if it did, BTS, who has hundreds of millions of views for almost all of their songs, would always be at the top of the 'trending' list...i.e., they have a song from 9 months ago, 'Dynamite' with 1.1 BILLION views and growing. Crazy weird taste I have...they are the two I listen to the most...along with Disturbed. Tom's getting noticed, he's over the target, prayers for his safety.
True I did notice this but he deff went down on the charts since yesterday. He was sitting around #5 trending and then it just dropped to #10
Soon they'll jus start taking away his number of views....then he's really going to get pissed. They do it all the time. I don't know who those others in the top 10 are...looks like all rappers to me. I don't mind rappers, but the message has to be worthwhile, not the usual garbage.