They have a name for it. They call it “Covid Strokes”
? These people are sick! ?
I own a commercial roofing company. We’re small around 20 employees. One of my foreman just found out yesterday that his 49 year old wife has had a stroke. She’s in ICU and needs some prayers. As my foreman was talking with one of the nurses working on his wife the nurse told him that they’ve been seeing a lot of this happen lately and call it “Covid Strokes”. Our office manager’s dad also had a stroke a week after getting the jab. I now know more people who’ve had strokes from the Vax then people who died from the Rona. It’s so common that they have a name for it...... let that sink in...”Covid Strokes”
In 2002 I had a knee injury after hiking the Great Wall. In Summer of 2020 I joined a new gym and using the equipment made my knee hurt. I went to an orthopedist. He gave me an Rx for 1000 mg of sodium naproxen.
In 2011 I had open heart surgery for a myxoma tumor. My medical history was forever altered.
I noted that in my medical history for the orthopedist.
He didn’t check my documentation before prescribing the NSAID.
I had a stroke 9 days later.
I no longer trust doctors.