Gretchen Whitmer Admin Sought Police Enforcement of Coronavirus Mask Orders
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WichMeEr was competing against QoMO and nEWsOm.
She wanted to impress the boSS, so she could end up on tOp.
wHizZharDzZ and wOrMzzcocks and wIcheSS Must outperform the cruelty and EviLlzz of past contenders, like Hitler, Stalin, Polpot, etc.
SaTaNzz miniOnzz want to be the sQeekiest wHelL to get the grease.
Massachusetts gov baker did as well. We were to be fined and or arrested for not wearing a mask. I heard of people being fined in the beginning. I dont watch tv news or read papers so no idea how often or where it was being enforced. Ive never had a cop say a word to me about it.