Personally I hope something of significance comes out of it. I am aware that state representatives from a handful of states went to Maricopa to see the audit and get a tour which is a good thing.
The community seems to be occupied with stuff we already knew about Wuhan and that fox news reporter being muzzled about HCQ. It is probably due to the fact that there has been no official publication of findings but when that does happen what do you think will happen? Was this audit, and other succeeding audits of similar scrutiny, only symbolic? Or do you think we will see tangible action to uproot this "administration".
Because lets be real these audits are to prove the current administrations (and others house/senate seats) does not belong and need to be recalled. You think that will happen or not? I sure hope it does. What are your thoughts?
If the audit shows that malpractice indeed took place, this would be enough for the military to get in the game. In such case, they would be more than able to answer for these actions through any media outlet. Depending on different strategies, there could be held a new election under military supervision, but foul play of such magnitude would undoubtedly cause uproar in the population, demanding the players facing justice; whether it be through the civilian courts or tribunals if there is a legal basis for this.
That's really the only path to this being resolved. States can decertify all they want but who or what is going to pull the roots out? Citizens can but we aren't backed/united enough to pull it off. Biden and company won't step down voluntarily of course.
If this is to be corrected it will not happen without pain. The covidiots will likely riot again and be even more violent to the point of rampant first degree murder.
Our culture is socially and morally ill to the point where I have no idea how the general public (separate from covidiots) will react to this. I do know that IF there is a plan to correct all this I hope the key individuals are aware that this will not be smooth. The devil will fight with everything he has.