No announcement? The propaganda being played by both sides is getting tiresome. Fauci Fauci Fauci! Like who cares, Obama, Hillary, the Bush family, audits, Washington still under military lockdown; it’s like they had to find SOMEBODY to keep everyone’s attention on or else the illusion just won’t work anymore
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paper examination is stull under way. should be done by next week.
Makes sense. And as for the other stuff, I guess it just gets painstakingly slow when stuff we found out about last year is just now hitting the news cycle and all the patriot figureheads act so surprised???
The pace is from the sheer amount of work that goes in to this. checking EACH piece of paper must be monumental. Machines can read (and corrupt) thousands in an hour. To check these without machines to keep an asymmetric bias has taken months. add the legal hurdles. a mess.
Just need az and ga