Of course its a republican that has this kind of footage released. Wont happen to a dem., atleast yet. Whatever we can start by fixing our side first. Fuck these scumbags!
Its crazy people are getting knocked off for being on the wrong side of the isle.
Of course its a republican that has this kind of footage released. Wont happen to a dem., atleast yet. Whatever we can start by fixing our side first. Fuck these scumbags!
Its crazy people are getting knocked off for being on the wrong side of the isle.
When do you understand their is no difference between a democrat and republican the Cabal controls both parties
Look im not a child first off, second i said fix our side first as in the majority of repubs are corrupt. Your acting like a dem right now.
These goobers are willfully missing the point you made, which is a valid one for what it's worth.
Us: "Normies only get to see bad stories about Republicans in the mainstream press, interesting..."
Them: "Herr, derr, Uniparty!"
Well I still look at it as trump atleast has some allies on the repub. side. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a single ally on the dem side.
I also said they are both corrupt putting them in the same category.
Its cool my feelings aren't too hurt over it lol.