posted ago by EloiEloi ago by EloiEloi +20 / -0

I know many here are sceptical/wary of vaccines - I'm personally cautious and waiting. I think as long as we can get access to all the relevant information (not a given!), we are all capable of making up our own minds. However, I'm frustrated and concerned about the delays and barriers in the way of getting repurposed drugs into general circulation.

I think attempting to persuade people away from the vaccine as a pre-requisite to getting Ivermectin out there is counter productive in making sure people have access to the drugs they need, when they need them. Whilst some of the info about vaccines here contradicts what i've heard elsewhere, and so i'm still keeping an open mind about it, I think this conversation makes very clear the reason why Ivermectin is important regardless, and why individuals need to inform themselves about it if we are going to overcome systemic resistance to doing the trials that would force western agencies to support the adoption of Ivermectin. IN short, I think it's a good video to use with those who view those who support Ivermectin as crazies - it should break down some of those prejudices.


This youtube channel has many conversations about Ivermectin and how frontline doctors have been using it - of particular interest would be:

•Dr Darrell DeMello - India •Dr Hector Carvallo – Argentina •Dr Syed Haider – US East Coast Telemedicine