In the right hand bottom corner click once on the + magnifying glass icon to zoom in.
Cursor on image, left click hold, and drag image to the left until you are looking at the very bottom right hand side of the image. Bar code on cover should be in the very bottom right hand corner.
Note the white line running through the word FUTURE... follow it to the right until it ends in a slight spear point.
Click one more time on the + magnifying glass icon and zoom in, and move the image as before until it is once again moved all the way down and all the way to the right.
Focus a stare at the area where the white line ends... an image of JFK should pop out. The area to the immediate right of the end of the top bar of the E is JFK's forehead, hair above, eyes below... image should be clear now.
I think this is the original image they modeled the "ghosted" image from. View the magazine cover on one tab... open up another tab with a second site, go to the post again and then to this comment with link below. Toggle between the two images and see if the JFK image profiled in rocky surface pops out.
Link below to an archive picture of the February 1997 cover (article above issue.
Follow these instructions:
In the right hand bottom corner click once on the + magnifying glass icon to zoom in.
Cursor on image, left click hold, and drag image to the left until you are looking at the very bottom right hand side of the image. Bar code on cover should be in the very bottom right hand corner.
Note the white line running through the word FUTURE... follow it to the right until it ends in a slight spear point.
Click one more time on the + magnifying glass icon and zoom in, and move the image as before until it is once again moved all the way down and all the way to the right.
Focus a stare at the area where the white line ends... an image of JFK should pop out. The area to the immediate right of the end of the top bar of the E is JFK's forehead, hair above, eyes below... image should be clear now.
Dude, what.
Its how they trolled each other back in the day... hidden images on magazine covers.
See this article and examples of hidden images of the Playboy rabbit logo on its magazine covers.
Examples of Trump Trick Trolls are common as well:
Certified schizoid right here.
Trump Trick Trolls
: )
Damnit I can’t see it!!! I’ve tried but to no avail.
I think this is the original image they modeled the "ghosted" image from. View the magazine cover on one tab... open up another tab with a second site, go to the post again and then to this comment with link below. Toggle between the two images and see if the JFK image profiled in rocky surface pops out.
Relax... don't strain. A slight squint, or, closing one eye may help. Try different magnifications.
In the meantime... see if you can decode this image...
and this magazine cover:
Remember how Melania was never featured on any magazine cover, let alone a fashion magazine, while First Lady. (2 seconds)
I got nothing. Apparently not very good at this game. Please share location and what is imaged in each of the links you sent....
This is not a game. (48 min)