posted ago by JesusSavesUs ago by JesusSavesUs +21 / -0

Faucci video released today about the stupid variant makes me so angry. I knew it was coming, I'm just losing my cool. I said "here we go again!" More idiots terrified and locking down, masks again etc. I'm sick of nurses that have been indoctrinated "vaccinating" themselves and their children. How is that moron not drug out into the street and executed already?? I've avoided this site for a week or so because I've been busy and trying to take a break to chill out. However, today I saw that video and rushed here to see what was going on. I know people will start dying, the unvaccinated will be attacked and vaccinations will be pushed even harder. I'm growing weary. I pray evidence starts blowing crap up! Let's do this!