While watching a M E Qnly video I made a connection. This guy is brilliant by the way.
Q talks a lot about 11.3 which is a marker that corresponds to the Law of War manual. Chapter 11 and 11.3 in particular is all about the end of the belligerent occupation (Biden admin via China). We know from the Q posts and the LoW manual that the military moves in once the occupying power and the occupying territory (DC which is not state) are no longer a threat.
11.3.1 "the status of belligerent occupation ceases when the invader no longer factually governs the occupied territory or when a hostile relationship no longer exists between the State of the occupied territory and the Occupying Power"
Now Trump told Biden that the 25th amendment would come back to haunt him.
If Biden is removed after the mental heath screening this will create a hole in the belligerent chain of command. There is no commander in chief (though belligerent)
In reference to 11.3.1, there would be no longer be a factual leader of the occupied territory if Biden is removed by the 25. This would temporarily create the conditions that need to be met.
11.3 as a marker could very well be Biden removed by the 25th.
As we know once 11.3 marker is reached the entire Biden admin (belligerent occupation) will be removed by military and will begin arrests, tribunals and potentially indictments unsealed.
The Podesta bit is intentional misinformation as the mirror is to the LoW manual.
Notice I used no dates? Moves and counter moves. The public must be awake enough for this event and there have been massive developments lately.
AZ audit as well as others would probably be released first to awake more up. Then 11.3 via the 25th.
Most of that is correct, and 11.3 describes the end of occupation and the beginning of reprisals for the crimes committed during the occupation. However, many different circumstances can end the occupation, and you are too focused on only one of them.
The internal machinations of the illegitimate, belligerent government controlled by china is not the type of condition needed to trigger 11.3. That would put china in control of if, when and how 11.3 was triggered - which is obviously not viable from the perspective of the US military.
The other example given was when the local power no longer views the belligerent threat as an authority. It seems much more likely that an event would trigger this. I think the plan has always been for Biden to be taken out via 25th. I think there has been a plan in place to remove Biden. The end of occupation happens when the military steps in. They could have stepped in on 1/20 but didn't.