Comments (7)
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Fuck that, I would have done the 6 months lock-up instead of reading all that bullshit.
Me too. And I would spent that 6 months building my lawsuit against them.
I get why she would take that deal....they are very intimidating with threats implied or direct and it is hard to think of a way to give up months with your family or your job. But I do think 3 years probation is excessive....what a joke the "Justice system" is right now. Shame on a public defender for so little effort to defend the client from what is obviously an abuse of power by justice system determined to make examples of conservatives. At most this should be a fine maybe...
So they force her to read and do book reports? I am sure she was told to say the exact thing they want said so they can announce what she said on MSM. Coercion to its most despicable level. Be prepared for more of these statements by these prisoners of war. In the meantime blm antifa killers roam free. Something has has to happen. IDK how much more of this I can take. I keep thinking of the Holocaust and how that was allowed to happen, what makes me think that all this crap going on in this country and world would be stopped. I know I sound doom and gloom but it gets me big time on some days. Thank God for the daily wins...they save me most days
I must be fucking crazy because I didn’t see this immense violence they keep referring too. I saw some people walk into the Capitol even staying within the ropes and talking to guards who let them roam. How is that trying to overturn a democracy?