We all are being given a choice right now. Being tested by God. We can stand in Gods light or we live in the darkness of hate. Evil doesnt care about who this hate is directed to. Just the act of hate in your heart for fellow humans, no matter the reason, is enough to keep the darkness around. This is a personal journey on a global scale. We all need to be praying together like never before. Regardless of where u live, who you support, or what you have done. Prayer and God is the answer to the future we deserve. We stand in truth but we act in love. The darkness will never end until enough light shines. Lets all shine bright and put an end to this darkness. God is calling will u stand up, or will u remain in your ego trying to do it alone. An army of light is being gathered. Many of us have went thru bootcamp and now its time to graduate and serve properly.
We have created a discord server to serve God thru Prayer and Fellowship. All that want love and light are welcome. Hope to see you there. God bless. Love you all but God loves you the most https://discord.gg/qUWhFrts
Choosing evil and hating people who force evil onto you are not the same thing. You can represent the light while trying to banish darkness. And yes, I hate every single person that voted for the policies being enacted in the US right now. Democrats are evil and pleading ignorance isn't an excuse anymore. Every single onf of them knew exactly what they were voting for, destruction of America. The Left made it perfectly clear that was the goal through their policies during the campaigns.
Let me ask u this. What does hate mean to u
Hate means I am pissed off and tired of there being no consequences for people that commit crimes or vote for/support criminals. I hate that those people will probably never be served the Justice they deserve on this Earth. At least we know God will sort them out properly later.
You still didnt tell me what hate is.
I will pray for you my friend. That hate you carry is very destructive to your own soul.
My soul is fine. Jesus died on the cross, rose from the dead, and paid the price of sin for us. I'd worry about the people on the other side running around trying to enslave the world to Communism and murdering babies.
Do you sin?
Yes, all humans sin and its our nature. That's why Christ had to die for us.