posted ago by Aclemmo77 ago by Aclemmo77 +486 / -1

Standing on a beach in Hawaii, taking pictures w my daughter. A middle aged hawiian dude was sitting on the sand next to us. He asked where we were from and i told him Texas. He went on to say we had a strong governor, and that Hawaiis governor sucked. Then things got real. He asked if i was vaccinated, (and if youve been to Hawaii recently then you know they are in full sheep mode here). I told him " fuck no!" He laughed and said right on. Then he got serious and started telling me, "you dont know this, but theres some crazy dark forces out there trying to ruin our way of life, and enslave us all, that whole vaccine thing is a part of it" then he looks up at me and says "have you ever heard of GESARA OR NESARA?" I ALMOST SHIT MY PANTS! Its one thing to be here with you all, but to encounter another pede in the wild IS WILD. We fist bumped over WWG1WGA, he said he doesnt think theres that many ppl on Hawaii that know what is coming. But after my out of the blue random convo with him, i believe there are more of us out there, silently waiting, trying to spread the word when we can, than we can even imagine. Be well frens!!