Canada has passed their C-10 Bill, (quietly at 1am) and now the government can deem what is appropriate for print. Whereas in America, censorship right now is left up to Big Tech and MSM, with no interference from the government. At least we have other means allowing for free speech, OAN, RSBN, great, etc.
Comments (7)
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Lmao ? they think this will change what we say, this makes me more excited to continue, since we are being proven right
Big tech is so "Big" precisely because of government interference.
They love to use the idea of capitalism as their boogeyman. By definition, America is a mixed economy. An actual capitalistic market wouldn’t have you jump through hoops and over hurdles just to open up shop. Those hoops are there to help big business, unless we’re to think that raising the minimum wage on lil family owned shops who already struggle to break even is somehow meant for the people.
Couldn't agree more. In a free market economy the government program known as "corporations" that absolve directors and share holders of personal liability wouldn't exist.
Minimum wage is another good example as you mentioned. It's just a bandaid trying to cover up inflation, higher taxes, and how useless people are after 13 years + of government education
Exactly. Accountability is what keeps corporations in check, and it’s accountability that politicians excise as soon as they get into office.
In fact, many of the left’s gripes come from leftist policies. They love to bring up how it’s next to impossible to own a house nowadays as the costs of living go up, which I’m likened to agree. They do go disproportionately up… In blue states.