Cigarettes and tobacco products have been deemed responsible for causing cancer in users and warning labels are put on all packaging and advertising. Now, the FDA has decided that the Covid "vaccine" vials should also have warning labels due to potentially lethal side effects. How many people are given a vial to read before getting the shot?? NOBODY. But what do people see a lot of? Advertising promoting these experimental warnings. Actually it's worse. All manner of inducement is used to cajole these same people into becoming guinea pigs. Free food, free prizes, anything and everything to pull unsuspecting people in. Here's an example, one of thousands geared to bribing people to get the shot.
So why is the FDA so lax about the law? The Emergency Use Authorization they issued requires that people be fully informed about the "vaccines" including their potential to do harm. They are then required to obtain the test subject's consent after being informed. So how many people see any warning labels on the promotional materials? Zero because there isn't any. Now after half the population in the country have received the shot they then decide the drug vial needs a fine print warning that the public never gets to see. Instead these unsuspecting people are baited like mice to come and get the shot either frightened by the overhyped prospect of getting Covid or induced by the idea they might win a prize. Some smiling face tells them to sign a paper and get in line. That paper in fine print mentioned something about possibility of something.. and THAT passes as informed consent huh?
One of the biggest crimes of all times is happening right now, under our noses and our government is using taxpayer money to perpetuate this crime against us, the same taxpayers. To make matters worse, all those healthcare workers giving these shots are aiding and abetting this crime. Covid is NOT the Black Plague, it's NOT Ebola, it's completely manageable thru the use of Hydroxy-Chloroquine, Ivermectin, Azithromax, corticosteroids, Vit D3 and Zinc. Even without these, the survival rate is over 99%. For this excuse of a pandemic the citizens of the world must put their lives at risk including their children and the unborn? For God sake's why? So big pharma can get richer and Bill Gates can reduce the population? This isn't a movie, it's a frigging nightmare.
Package inserts were "intentionally left blank". Even your pharmacist or doctor could not tell you the real risks involved.
They falsely advertised the drug product as a "vaccine" in order to mislead the public. It is fraud. All of their protections against lawsuits are null and void.
its ok, they are changing the definition of a vaccine so as not to mislead any more.
" it's completely manageable thru the use of Hydroxy-Chloroquine, Ivermectin, Azithromax, corticosteroids, Vit D3 and Zinc."
Yet doctors can get fired or lose their licenses for prescribing these well known, safe Rxs for COVID. That's what makes me most suspicious. No treatment, vaccine only.
I would like to know if anyone has successfully sued their physician for NOT prescribing TREATMENT. If Trump can have it, WE should be able to have it too. I'm half tempted to warn my doctor that if I get it and she refuses to TREAT it early on, I or my family will sue her.
Where tf are the long term effects and effects to offspring?